“1984” was written by George Orwell during 1947 and 1948
while he was living on the Scottish island of Jura, and suffering with
tuberculosis. It was published in
1949, and met with immediate success.
Orwell died in 1950.
The book’s proposer was unavoidably late for the meeting,
and we began with a quick round-up of first impressions. The first speaker recalled that the
book was part of the school literary canon, and along with others in the group
he had first read it during teenage years. As an adult he had been pleased to note that the year 1984
came and went without Orwell’s gloomiest prognostications having come to pass. However, it was agreed by all that the
date was not critical to Orwell’s intentions – it was merely an extrapolation
of some of the political and cultural directions of the 1930s and 1940s,
including Nazism and, in particular, Soviet communism. The book was agreed to be more
political satire than science fiction, and the items of futuristic technology
described (telescreens and hidden microphones for example) were primarily of
interest as tools of state surveillance.
In passing we observed that the uses of CCTV and internet and mobile
phone surveillance in contemporary societies suggested that Orwell was not too
far off the mark in this respect.
The shabby living conditions and food rationing further located the
book’s world as that of the 1940s, albeit an altered and extrapolated version
of that world.
Another reader raised the question of whether our own
society (ie. Western European) was as hierarchical as that of “1984”. This brought us onto the question of ‘who are the proles of
today?’ One member of the group in
particular felt that we were all as powerless as Orwell’s proles, and that
contemporary political cliques held power as surely as The Party in the
book. Others disagreed, pointing
out that we had a vote for who was in government, and could influence government
policies. For a little while our
debate moved off rather tangentially.
We were brought back to the book by the observation that
although Orwell had closely followed the plot of the earlier “We” by Zamyatin (a debt which he
acknowledged), he had improved upon it in many ways, and had developed two
brilliant themes that were absent from the previously published book. These were the idea of re-writing
history (which is actually the occupation of the book’s protagonist Winston
Smith) and the idea of a gradual constriction and diminution of spoken and
written language (Newspeak) in order to eliminate any form of conceptual
thought inimical to the state.
Once more these aspects of the book turned our discussion
towards contemporary issues. It
was observed that the book was as much socio/political essay as novel, and
therefore inevitably raised questions of a general nature about humanity and
systems of society. Were the “Sun”
and the “Daily Mail” examples in
practice of a kind of Newspeak?
Could conceptual thought be limited by a paucity of vocabulary and
grammatical sophistication? How
did physicists for example develop concepts for which there was no existing
vocabulary? Did different world
languages govern their users’ modes of thought? We did not have the answers to these questions, although we
were not short of opinions.
Another general question was raised by one reader – was
individual freedom an inevitable component of a utopia, and conversely a life
constrained by the state a dystopia?
Did one kind of life result in more happiness than the other, and who
defined happiness anyway?
By this time the proposer of the book had arrived in the
room and refreshed himself with the contents of a small bottle (perhaps
recently supplied by an airline) containing a reviving red liquid. He brought us back to the book once
more with the observation that the appendix on Newspeak, being written as a
description of a failed idea, and not in Newspeak, provided a subtle note of
optimism at the end of the book by suggesting that the world described in “1984” had come to an end. He then spoke further about what had
drawn him to choose the book for discussion. He felt the political content
seemed to set Orwell the novelist's imagination on fire, making it one of the
greatest novels of the post-war period. He felt that Orwell was more of an
iconoclast than an ideologue, and that his driving passion was a hatred for all
forms of authority. Orwell was
brilliant at identifying and attacking the abuse of power, and 1984 was best seen as an extended denunciation of where
this can lead, a kind of worst-case scenario. Orwell’s “Animal Farm” was cited as another, perhaps even
more effective, development of this theme.
Another reader suggested that Orwell had a fundamentally
pessimistic view of human nature, and the portrayal of the sadistic O’Brien was
a chilling vision of how the ultimate use of power can be deliberately to cause
suffering for others. It was noted
that in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and many other places and times this
tendency in human nature could be observed in practice in the real world. Lord Acton’s dictum “Power tends to corrupt, and
absolute power corrupts absolutely” was cited.
We turned to the question of whether or not Orwell’s pessimism extended
to disillusion with the British Labour Party in the post-war period. After all, the Party in 1984, “Ingsoc” in
Newspeak, is “English Socialism”.
Was Labour’s programme of nationalization and anti-capitalism merely
resulting in the creation of a new political clique, and failing to benefit the
proletariat? The book’s proposer
had read some of Orwell’s political essays of the time, and had found no real
evidence of disillusion of this kind.
He restated the view that Orwell hated all forms of authority,
and speculated that his experiences of growing up in an English boarding
school, and the low self-esteem evidenced by his poverty-stricken existence as
an adult were more potent drivers of his vision than simple political
preferences. In fact “Ingsoc”
bears more similarities to Soviet socialism than British socialism. O’Brien’s invented enemy of the state,
Goldstein, for example seems to be a clear equivalent of the disgraced Trotsky
in Stalin’s Russian.
Moving on to the second book, “We” by Yevgeny Zamyatin, the
proposer said that the idea of combining it with “1984” came
from one of the Group’s E-mail members. Zamyatin was a serial Russian
revolutionary and a serial satirist. He was an engineer for the Imperial
Russian Navy and helped to design icebreakers for Russia on Tyneside in 1916
and 1917. Zamyatin stated that seeing the Tyneside work force in action was his
first real experience of the collectivisation of labour, and he wrote a satire
about life in Britain.
He returned to Russia in late 1917, and although a communist
it was not long before he was disenchanted with the Bolsheviks and was writing
another satire. “We” was published in translation in America in1924. The book
achieved the distinction of being the first
to be banned by the Soviet Censorship Board. When by 1931 the Russian text was
nevertheless circulating, Zamyatin was, luckily, allowed by Stalin to go into
exile in France. He died there in poverty in 1937 at the age of 53.
Orwell read
“We” and reviewed it, and
said he would write a book based on it, shortly before starting “1984”. Orwell
thought Huxley was lying when Huxley denied having used “We” as his inspiration for “Brave New
There were several similarities between Orwell and Zamyatin.
Both were anti-authority and both fell out with communism. Both were fans of
Jack London, who also wrote an early dystopia. But Zamyatin always wrote
satire, whereas Orwell came to it late in life. And Zamyatin, like Huxley, was
writing in the shadow of the First World War, whereas Orwell was writing in the
shadow of the Second.
“We” impressed us. Zamyatin’s creativity was exceptional.
Apart from the main anti-communist thrust, there were many other layers of
reference, including mathematical and scientific. There was even a religious
dimension as the story paralleled Genesis. The novel was rich in psychological
depth, and a splendid femme fatale drove the plot. A majority of us,
nevertheless, felt that Orwell’s was the finer work – tauter, better written,
and easier to follow. The fact that Orwell’s book was inspired by “We” did not
make it the lesser book, just as Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” was not a lesser work
than Kyd’s version which inspired it.
Not everyone shared this positive view of “We”. One member reported, from halfway
through, that it was a struggle, requiring a huge amount of concentration –
indeed the book seemed a very muddled, bizarre ramble. Another, by contrast,
had been inspired to read it twice, and concluded that he now preferred it to
We finished our discussion with some general discussion of the continuing
genre of dystopian visions of the future, encompassing films and computer games
as well as books. It was pointed
out by one member of the group, a scientist, that such visions had some
rational basis, since the world’s finite resources are being used up at such a
rate by the burgeoning planetary population that future wars over water,
agricultural land and so forth seem inevitable. Nodding in gloomy assent to this Orwellian observation, we
drained our own liquid containers of their final resources and passed out into
the night.