Oh we do like to be the seaside, at least a select few of us gathered by the beach at Portobello as perhaps “prolonged strain, immobility and helplessness” had
led to the absence of many of our number. (Maybe they were just on
holiday? Ed.) An absent member had sent his comments, and regretted
having not read it sooner on the grounds that it might be too
sentimental. His opinion was very positive. Meanwhile, the survivors
prepared to go ‘over the top’ as WW1 beckoned, again.
The proposer
introduced ‘Regeneration’ (1991) with a short biography of Pat Barker,
significantly mentioning her Yorkshire, working class upbringing by her
grandparents, how she used to stick her fingers in her grandfathers
bayonet wound, and of her later liaison and marriage to David Barker, a
zoologist and neurologist. From such experience was the ‘Regeneration’
trilogy formed. Some of us had read all three novels, some only the
first book. Rather than introduce spoilers we concentrated on the first
book, although it was suggested that the subsequent novels would
re-order emphasis on the major and minor themes in the first book.
(Indeed, this proved to be the case as your humble scribe subsequently
read parts 2 and 3 which clarified many of the themes in part 1.
However, this is not recorded.)
Yealland, Sassoon, Owen and Graves are real – the patients are
fictitious but based on real cases from a book written subsequently by
Rivers. (One of us had circulated an interesting article about Rivers
work in the period.) It appears that the novelist has made exemplary use
of this and several other historical sources, e.g. in that Sassoon
really did amend ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’. However, she has
invented the persona of Rivers, through his reactions to events, his
coming round in part to Sassoon’s ideas and possible repressed
homosexuality. He does say at some point “the war must be fought to a
finish, for the sake of the succeeding generations”. Indeed the book is
quite subtle in that there is no overt pro- or anti-war case.
In the
context of the book, Rivers is quite at odds in his theories of
breakdown and conflict of shell-shock arising from combat and prolonged
exposure. Some of the arguments that pass through his head sound
convincing, while others seem suspect. Believing that “prolonged strain, immobility and helplessness” were more likely to cause men to break down than “the sudden shocks or bizarre horrors” that his patients themselves used to explain their condition, he muses that this must also explain the prevalence of “hysterical disorders” in women in peacetime.
Billy Prior,
on the other hand, is thought to be socially and sexually ambiguous, an
officer yet an outsider because of his background. We discussed
whether his perception of the officer class was viable. He assumed a
certain snobbery and smugness in their attitude. However, he still made
firm relationships, with Rivers and with Owen for example.
The proposer then noted that Barker had said “there is a lot to be said for writing about history, because you can sometimes deal with contemporary dilemmas”.
Although it has been said that she has an encyclopaedic knowledge of
WW1, the implication was that this was about universal rather than
WW1-specific truths. Could we avoid a discussion of Serbian politics
from 1900? (See ‘The Sleepwalkers’).
Time would tell, but it is accurate to record that conversations would
often diverge from the text, especially when branching outwards from
Sassoon’s declaration that opens the book, “not protesting against
the conduct of the war but against the political errors and
insincerities for which the fighting men at being sacrificed”. The
majority of our group made the point that Sassoon was young and naive,
and such a declaration was foolish and would have no effect on such
‘conduct’. A minority view suggested that perhaps naivety brings clarity
– out of the mouths of babes and sucklings etc. Does age bring wisdom
or atrophy? Is there degeneration rather than ‘regeneration of the grey
cells’? Well, if Wiki is to be believed the average age of commanding
officers fell from 50 to 28 as the war progressed, and men of over 35
were barred from commanding battalions. However, this blog is getting
off the point, echoing the discussion! Pass the port, Nigel.
So this
novel is not just about WW1, but also about the need and justification
for war, the effects on the combatants, consideration of societal
change, of the emancipation of women, the breaking down of class
barriers, of changing attitudes to heterosexuality and homosexuality,
and of the attitude of the state. The title emanates from the experiment
done on River’s friend Head in earlier times, when he deliberately
severed a nerve in Head’s hand with the purpose of charting its gradual
regeneration. From this we can compare and contrast the treatments to
the mental trauma given by Rivers and Yealland, and how Rivers has to
even question his own humane approach. He is torn between guilt in
treatment and the stated aim to rehabilitate and send the men back to
the front, and possible beneficial results (extreme in Yealland’s case).
In the wider
context we discussed the possible effect of WW1, of war in general, as a
necessary regenerating force on society. Within the book, the changing
role and attitudes of the girls working in the munitions factories
presage the huge changes that come after the war. There were changes too
in sexual behaviour; heterosexual behaviour became more liberal, some
crude forms of abortion were attempted, as in the description of the use
of the coat hanger, and homosexuality was further repressed because of
the concern about its effects on troop comradely spirit and morale with
so many men in close proximity. Sassoon talks of how his friend was
treated for soliciting, and how he subsequently had to modify his own
behaviour to appear to be more normal or ‘cured’.
Barker mixes
blunt and gritty working class language with poetic idioms. Perhaps the
War Poets too – or at least the anti-war poets whom schools have
adopted as the canon, managed something similar in combining the imagery
of horror with the language of poetry. Your scribe’s favourite WC
quote? – “eeh, hope a man never tries to shove anything up her flue. Be cruelty to moths”
We were all
rather underwhelmed by the description of River’s childhood, and
especially the introduction of Charles Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll. Given
the traumatic effect of the war on the soldiers’ speech, including
mutism and stammering, and indeed Rivers own propensity to stammer it
was assumed that this was making the link between his early childhood,
the experience, and the subsequent sympathetic approach to such speech
problems, in marked contrast to the electrodes of Yealland. There are
also issues of parenthood, in particular the way that Sassoon looks on
Rivers as a father figure who is much missed when he leaves
Craiglockhart, as well as the role of Dodgson as a possible surrogate
father. However, one suggested this was possibly a case of research
uncovering a celebrity that had got in the way. We also discussed the
changing attitude to psychiatric treatment, of how a cure could better
be affected by admitting and talking through a problem, rather than
never talking about it, forgetting it.
What of the other central device, of bringing out the horrors of war not by direct descriptions, as was so effective in Birdsong (Faulks) that
we had read earlier in the year, but by indirect description through
the subsequent trauma. Most, but not all, found the book equally
harrowing. On the other hand, the description of Yealland’s electroshock
provided quite a lot of harrow for at least one reader, who recalled
Laurence Olivier’s treatment of Dustin Hoffman in ‘Marathon Man’. (Eh?
What’s the connection? Ed.)
So why does
Sassoon return to fight? Why does Prior talk of the shame of not going
back? There are selfless reasons, notably the need to be loyal to your
friends and comrades and for an officer at least, to be able to use
experience gained to look after his men. These were motivating factors
for Sassoon, which were nevertheless consistent with his declaration, or
so he felt. The nature of masculinity, to be a man my son, is a
recurring theme in the book and not just in the attitude to
homosexuality. This certainly has changed, but not entirely, in the
succeeding century.
So is war a
regenerating force on a damaged or somehow deficient society? What are
the beneficial effects of WW1? Even with a quorum having 40% historians,
this was a tricky one to answer. Did the decision to support Belgium
and France justify the killing of so many soldiers and civilians? Would
Europe be a very different place in 2015 if no action had been taken, at
least in this form? Was the sacrifice of allied troops necessary or in
vain? If necessary and not in vain for the UK combatants, what of the
sacrifice of German troops?
Other than military and political changes,
WW1 certainly accelerated societal change, especially with respect to
class, women’s rights and education, as well as modifying sexual mores,
but was it necessary? Sassoon’s point was that the war was being
prolonged beyond its original purpose. To what extent would the common
man be aware of the greater political picture? Others suggested that the
war changed psychiatry, art and literature. Of course, one should not
forget the extraordinary meeting and interplay between Sassoon, Graves
and Owen, exemplified by the existence of the manuscript for ‘Anthem for
Doomed Youth’ which has Sassoon’s annotations and suggestions. Did the
war, or art as expressed by the war poets, change political thinking?
What did Dylan have to say on the subject[i]?
One of us noted that the French insisted afterwards that at least one
ministerial appointment should be a soldier or ex-soldier.
On these and
other questions, the author leaves you to make up your own mind.
However, it was proposed that both politicians and the media can still
influence and exploit human base instincts, particularly tribal
instincts, even in these days of mass communication and the internet.
Other groups can also do this, of course, and there are many
contemporary examples.
On one thing
we all agreed; this was an excellent book. We all enjoyed it immensely
and for those who had not done so, the next two books were on the ‘to
do’ list.
And so to
bed … suffering from WW1 literary trauma and with a need to be
regenerated. Dr. Who has regenerated 12 times without addressing such
deep concerns. Exterminate, exterminate….. where have I heard that
[i] The First World War, boys,
It came and it went
The reason for fighting
I never did get
But I learned to accept it
Accept it with pride
For you don’t count the dead
When God’s on your side.