Give us some Air!
Give us some Water!
Give us some Food!
Gimme Shelter!
Thanks, now I can check my Facebook account……
OK, this
might be a slight over-simplification of Maslow’s hierarchy of human
needs, or indeed a wildly inaccurate summary of Harari’s bestselling
book, “Sapiens: a Brief History of Humankind”, but here we were, the
book group assembled on a Thursday evening to try and satisfy their need
for love and belonging. Not of Generation, X, Y or Z, nor even
Millennials, we were old enough to remember the ‘60s and hence we
presumably weren’t there.
The proposer
told us of how he had come across this book at a science exhibition, at
a stall womanned by Delta-T Devices, who “aim to manufacture and sell
instruments for use in work beneficial to the environment and directly
related to human and animal welfare.” A further description of their
moral stance can be found at
Such a policy was dear to the author’s heart, although perhaps less
important to the hunter-gatherers of the first few chapters.
Now an
academic at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with a PhD in Oxford in
2002, this book was published in Hebrew in 2011 and in English 2014 and
has become an international success. The proposer described it as a
“macro-history” painted with a very broad brush. We were grateful; at
498 pages for a macroscopic view, we suspect that the “micro-history”
would have filled the Book Group’s schedule well beyond the period on
Earth of the current membership. He praised its creativity and
originality which had been recognised by a number of major and minor
literary awards. He noted that the author had certain axes to grind,
notably on animal rights (see above) and industrial farming, coloured
perhaps by his vegan practice and living in a cooperative agricultural
community. He was also openly gay and practised meditation. Ah yes, “I
was a young man back in the 1960s”. As a rebuff to Generation I, he had
also disposed of his smart phone!
opened out. Painted with a broad brush, I suppose it was inevitable that
our members would pick holes. First to dive in was a member with
knowledge of Australian history who pointed out inaccuracies on a number
of key points on Aboriginal development. For example, on page 50 Harari
talks of 200-600 tribes each with their own language, religion, norms
and customs in the period between the cognitive and agricultural
revolutions. Our member also disputed the suggestion that Australia was
particularly white supremacist (p260). Another suggested that the
extrapolation from bio-mimetic genetic algorithms (for optimisation in
complex multimodal spaces) and genetic programming (p457) to machines
taking over the world was rather fanciful, at least in the short term.
The unfortunately quoted ‘human brain project’ had in fact been
‘rebooted’ due to the over-hyped claims. Another suggested that the
opening line in “A Tale of Two Cities” by Dickens, “It was the best of
times, it was the worst of times”, referred to France in the mid to
late 18th century, before not during the French Revolution.
Several other examples were quoted. An absent member commented by email,
that his links, e.g. from Peugot to Shamens, are dubious or worse. He
wondered too why… but we moved on.
right or wrong, can any single author, however advised by colleagues and
his own research, hope to be wholly accurate on such a wide range of
topics and academic disciplines? Can we? We recalled our August book by
John Higgs; we thought that was sweeping and often contentious, and he
only covered a single century! Do the alleged inaccuracies or dubious
opinions invalidate the main thrust?
The next
speaker praised the book as an excellent synthesis of others’ research
with a particular skill in simplifying complex topics for the general
reader. As a good example of this, we referred to his discussions of
economic theory in chapter 16, “The Capitalist Creed”. His breadth of
coverage was “spellbinding” according to our speaker. He challenged
current perspective without taking sides. Some questioned this,
especially in view of the animal welfare polemic.
Our critic
praised the idea of agriculture enslaving the population after a
relatively Utopian hunter-gatherer existence. Again, this was questioned
by another, suggesting that happiness and well-being as states of mind
were relatively untouched, at least until page 421. “Are we happier?”
Some were outraged by his discourse on chemical happiness in this
chapter, and were rather dismayed that their imitative (Maslow)
activities, whether Munro-bagging, global travel, or trying to get round
a golf course in less than 100 shots were less than life-fulfilling.
Unfortunately, Archaeology has not yet found a way to carbon date
happiness and well-being from 70,000 years in the past so we can only
speculate. (Afterthought: AI attempts to equip agents with imitative
capabilities in order to build cooperative societies.)
compared Harari to a “spin doctor”, spinning his own perspective on
historical fact or speculation according to his own rather than from an
un-biased perspective. In the majority view, there was a shift from
archaeological fact in the early chapters to a more opinionated spin in
the later chapters. Another deficiency was the lack of acknowledgment of
the role of the arts in enriching the human experience; when we do not
spend our days wholly in hunting and gathering we have more time to
appreciate the finer, esoteric outputs of the human mind and dexterity,
in music, in painting and sculpture and so on. Is “Britain’s Got Talent”
on tonight?
Turning to
the later chapters, one of us was struck by the underlying pessimism
about the future disappearance of our species, the cynicism and
pessimism of reliance on chemical happiness and on “humans being turned
into cyborgs” (p454). So the “curtain is about to drop on Sapiens
history”. Certainly, humans do now have a probable capability for
destruction, whether nuclear, chemical or social, unsurpassed due to the
frantic rush to global communication and uniformity. We pondered this
pessimism and took it as a warning to cooperate at a global level rather
than concentrate on local politics. On the topics of individual
survival and purpose, our email member suggested that the phrase “what
do we want to want” was rather trite, referring to our stated, probably
overstated aim to create amortal life by genetic engineering.
We turned
again to Harari’s ideas on social bonding from an early stage of
development, as for example in the ability to form large groups on the
basis of shared values, to plan and carry out complex actions since the
cognitive revolution, even when was no previous contact A parallel was
drawn with recent work by Robin Dunbar at the Social and Evolutionary
Research Science Group, also at Oxford. In particular Dunbar mentioned
that “the key function of music during its development and
spread amongst human populations was its capacity to create and
strengthen social bonds amongst interacting group members.” Our
member talked of some of the key chemical differences between human and
other brains, notably in fatty acid and iodine concentration.
Apparently, there is an active debate as to whether aquatically sourced
foods were key to human evolution, so that in general coastal species
evolved preferentially. It is probably fair to say that none of those
present had sufficient knowledge to decide, but that didn’t stop the
discussion! However, one referred us to “Guns, Germs and Steel” by Jared
Diamond, arguing that apparent differences in societies in different
societies today were a product of environment and opportunity, or luck
if you like, rather than inherent genetic differences.
To stylistic
matters; why did Harari always say “she” rather than “he”, or indeed an
impersonal noun such as person, or even hunter/gatherer? Ah! That was
virtue signalling said another. “Fair comment”, said one, in these
politically correct times one must not only be virtuous but let everyone
know to enhance your social standing. Your scribe hadn’t heard of
virtue signalling, perhaps because he hadn’t the signal opportunity.
Perhaps the author is taking his own social analysis just too seriously?
There is so
much in this book, and indeed that is its strength, that our own
discussion cannot help but be superficial and misinterpret and omit key
themes. Perhaps his treatment of religion is controversial, by for
example equating communism and nationalism with Christianity and
Buddhism . His comments about the contradictions of humanism (e.g.
p257) are provoking; how many humanists today align themselves today
with the Nazi view on evolution?
So in
conclusion, the general verdict of the group was that this was a book
well worth reading, progressing from fact to opinion as evolutionary
time developed perhaps, but always stimulating and creating difference
of opinion. Indeed, one had to agree with Barack Obama’s book cover
comment that this was “interesting and provocative”.
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